Wills Attorney in Clarion, Pennsylvania
What Will Happen to My Estate in the Future?
Having a skilled attorney prepare a will for your execution goes a long way in making sure your assets end up in the hands of family and/or friends that are most important to you.
I have been assisting clients in drafting wills for over 24 years, and I have found that, for the relatively low legal expense, a will provides great “bang for the buck.” This is because signing a will that specifically directs how your assets will be distributed gives you peace of mind, but more importantly, it will ensure that the persons you desire to receive your assets actually receive them. Having a will also allow you to name an executor – a person you trust who will be responsible for gathering your assets and making sure they end up with the beneficiaries you named in your will.
Having a will also assists family members and loved ones in knowing exactly how your estate will be divided and so it works to relieve them of potential confusion during a difficult time.
Do you want to make sure your assets are transferred to your family members and/or loved ones - no matter what happens in the future- by making a will? Schedule a consultation with me and we can discuss your will in the privacies and comfort of my office.
If My Relative Didn't Have a Will, What Do I Do?
Are you the executor of an estate? Our firm can provide you with smart guidance during the probate court process. Our attorney, Michael B. Bogush, can help you:
Find and secure assets.
Pay off debts.
Decide whether or not to sell off property.
The probate process is never simple, but you don't have to administer the estate alone. If you are in Clarion, Pennsylvania or the surrounding areas, reach out to us today to schedule a consultation.